Tech Talk – It’s a Thing!

Published on: November 30th, 2017

IN this week’s Tech Talk we learn how we’re all connected. If you remember old commercials, you might recall AT&T’s catchy jingle back in the 90’s, reminding us of how “we’re all connected.” By telephone. That was then; now, being connected means being connected to the Web; to the Internet. If the articles included below are any indication, there really is no limit to what can be reimagined and then connected to the Web. Some connected things, such as cameras and microphones, can present security issues, so be sure to get to the bottom of things here on Tech Talk.


The Internet of Things

In researching 2018 technology trends, one of the topics that kept coming up was IoT, or the “Internet of Things.”   This may be a new term to you, and since the upcoming holidays are likely to increase our number of Things connected to the Internet, let’s take a look at what I found:

First, what is the Internet of Things (IoT)??
“The Internet of things is the network of physical devices, vehicles, home appliances, and other items embedded with electronics, software, sensors, actuators, and network connectivity which enable these objects to connect and exchange data.” Source: Wikipedia

“Gartner,” the world’s leading research and advisory company, “estimates more than 8.4 billion “Things” are on the internet today, up more than 30% from just one year ago.” Source: Daniel Newman, Forbes

What are some of these Things?

Smart Home    Wearables    Smart Cities    Cars    Thermostats    Electrical Outlets

Door Locks    Security Systems    Toothbrushes    Pet Feeders    Coffee Brewers

and much, much more!

Connect with really smart and creative Internet of Things here and here

 Pneumonia-diagnosing Smart Jacket (another Thing)

Speaking of IoT, Ugandan inventor Brian Turyabagye has created a biomedical smart jacket that can “diagnose pneumonia four times faster than a doctor.” Why is that important? Because the faster a correct diagnoses of Pneumonia is made, vs. Malaria, which Pneumonia is often mistaken for, the faster a physician can begin the proper treatment, which leads to more lives saved.

Why is the Jacket a “Thing?”
It’s a Thing because it “analyzes the chest and sends the information via Bluetooth to a SmartPhone App” – it’s connected.

Read about this life-saving invention here

Is Your Webcam Watching You?

If only it were just Big Brother watching us – Should you cover your webcam? Your microphone?

Consider the personal security issues in the article below and follow the recommended steps to maintain your privacy.

Click here for information and privacy recommendations



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